Coryell County Courthouse

Gatesville, Texas
Coryell County engaged Architexas to prepare a historic structures report and master plan for the historic 1898 Coryell County Courthouse, as part of efforts to secure funding through the Texas Historic Courthouse Preservation Program. The ongoing work includes a detailed building assessment to document existing conditions, identify maintenance priorities, and propose necessary repairs. A programming assessment is also underway, involving collaboration with county department heads to evaluate space utilization, storage needs, and anticipated future growth. Insights from this programming assessment will inform the development of optimized floor plans designed to maximize efficiency and revitalize underutilized areas within the courthouse.
Key structural elements such as the cupola, attic framing, and cinder concrete floors are being carefully examined, while moisture concerns in the basement mortar are being addressed to ensure the building’s longevity. These efforts aim to preserve the courthouse’s historical significance while enhancing its functionality for future use.

  • Master Planning
  • THCPP Participation
  • Programming