Old Denton City Hall Rehabilitation Plan

Denton, Texas
The historic Denton City Hall was constructed in 1927 and housed various executive and administrative offices of the city government, including the city courtroom, city jail, municipal auditorium seating 750 and the Fire Department with fire-fighting apparatus on the ground floor. In 1948, the building was renovated moving the police department and jail to the basement as well as other interior renovations. Another significant renovation was undertaken in the 1980’s to convert the facility to the police station. In 1995 renovations were made to provide administrative offices for the Planning and Development Department. Today the building is vacant.

Architexas completed a preliminary Rehabilitation Assessment Report as an initial step to determine the best reuse of the historic building which was presented to the City Council with a range of options for reuse and associated cost analysis. The city council has decided to establish a Redevelopment Steering Committee of community representatives to review these options and potentially contribute additional uses for the building. Architexas will work with the Redevelopment Steering Committee developing conceptual design studies to determine feasibility, cost analysis of the design options, and public presentations.

  • Master Planning
  • Programming
  • THC Review
  • Select Exterior Restoration