Red River County Courthouse

Clarksville, Texas
The unique design of this 1884 courthouse by William H. Wilson combines Renaissance Revival and Second Empire stylistic influences making it one of the most flamboyant and bold courthouses in the state. The project involved the complete interior and exterior restoration of the building. The exterior restoration was funded by a STEP/ISTEA grant administered by the Texas Department of Transportation, requiring Section 106 review in addition to the Historic Courthouse Preservation Program (THCPP) reviews. The exterior work included masonry restoration, wood window restoration, cleaning and repointing of the sandstone, repair and replacement of the metal cornice and downspouts, new entry doors and steps, and the restoration of the clock tower. The historic color scheme was investigated and restored, despite some surprise about the original choice of colors.

  • Master Planning
  • Architectural
  • Historic Paint Analysis and Conservation
  • Assistance with Fundraising Site Restoration
  • Use of STEP Grant Funding
  • THCPP Funding
  • Phased Construction