Titus County Annex
Mount Pleasant, Texas
Just across the street in a scheme typical of the downtowns in many smaller Texas towns, the Titus County Courthouse Annex faces the courthouse’s south façade.
Originally opened as the Guaranty Bond State Bank sometime in the mid-century, the annex was remodeled in 1962 and in 1990 (both remodels occurring simultaneously with the neighboring courthouse, although the county did not yet own the annex in 1962). As Guaranty Bond State Bank expanded during the 1960s and ‘70s, it grew outwards and took over the two adjacent historic storefronts (one to the east, one to the west). A façade was then applied to the two older buildings to match the mid-century bank. Since 1979, the façade has remained largely unchanged (except for the signage when Titus County acquired the property).
The county hired Architexas to restore the façade. An assessment of the current façade and its failing components will be paired with research on the building’s renovations to determine the most appropriate approach to the design and repair of the primary elevation.